Some of my colleagues have done this in the past, so I figure I’ll share as well. Here are some technical books that I have read over the past few months (or am currently reading):
- Now, Discover your Strengths – I actually read this early in 2008, but I find myself coming back to it frequently for reference.
- Behind Closed Doors (Pragmatic Series) – This is the book I’m currently reading. So far, it’s… interesting. The jury is still out on this one.
- Practices of an Agile Developer (Pragmatic Series) – This was probably my favorite book of the Pragmatic Series. Lots of insightful things in here.
- Pragmatic Unit Testing with C# and NUnit (Pragmatic Series) – I read this after already being familiar with unit testing. It was a good refresher and gave me several little nuggets of new information and tips. I highly recommend this for both the novice and seasoned developer.
A co-worker of mine is a big fan of the Pragmatic Series and has been kind enough to let me mooch borrow some of his books.
And, because sometimes I get tired of reading technical books (gasp!), here are some recent books that have kept me from losing my mind in code samples:
- Angels and Demons – I wanted to read this before seeing the movie, since I’ve heard they are taking several liberties with the movie adaptation.
- Star Wars: New Jedi Order – I’m not ashamed to admit I’m a Star Wars fan, though I guarantee you won’t find me at any conventions in a stormtrooper outfit anytime soon.